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About Us

Tidewater Group specializes in advanced technology solutions, addressing complex challenges, and delivering innovative results that drive efficiencies and cost savings for the U.S. Government. Tidewater Group is dedicated to fulfilling client agencies' missions through all means.  

What we value


Integry First

Tidewater Group is steadfast in upholding the highest ethical standards in all our activities. We believe integrity is foundational to trust and essential for sustaining strong relationships. We adhere strictly to the laws and regulations of the regions where we operate, maintaining transparency and accountability at all times.


Teamwork & Respect

Our success is built on the skills, diversity, and unity of our team. Tidewater Group values and respects every member, recognizing that effective collaboration is key to our achievement. We foster an inclusive environment where respect is paramount, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued equally.


Commitment to Excellence

We are driven by the critical nature of our missions and the trust placed in us by our customers. Tidewater Group is dedicated to superior performance in every project and operation. We constantly push for excellence, aiming to surpass expectations and deliver outstanding results that contribute to our customers' success.


Accountability and Responsibility

We take full responsibility for our actions and decisions, understanding their impact on our community and clients. Tidewater Group commits to responsible practices in all aspects of our business, from operational excellence to environmental stewardship, ensuring we contribute positively to societal and global well-being.


Innovative Leadership

At Tidewater Group, we prioritize innovation as a means to lead and excel in the federal contracting industry. We encourage creative solutions and forward-thinking strategies that address today's challenges while anticipating future needs. Our goal is to continuously evolve and adapt, ensuring we always offer the most effective solutions to our clients.

Tidewater Group    Rising, Together

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(434) 409 - 5171

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